Category Archive: Advocacy

  1. Good Cause for All

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    Before 2019, a landlord could evict a tenant without providing a reason for the eviction. That changed when the tenant movement in Philadelphia won a victory in passing “Good Cause” legislation that requires landlords to give an approved reason for evicting a tenant.

    The current bill says that a landlord can move to evict a tenant or end their lease only under certain situations – such as non-payment of rent, if the tenant causes significant damage to the home, if the landlord intends to rent to a family member, if the landlord intends to make significant renovations to an empty unit (full list here). In those cases, the landlord is still required to provide notice to the tenant and follow the legal court process. However, these protections only apply to tenants in leases less than a year. (More on your protections as a tenant, here.)

    The Philadelphia Rent Control Coalition, of which CLS is a member, is fighting to strengthen the existing good cause bill. The Coalition wants to see the bill amended to apply to all tenants (not just tenants with leases less than a year), to give better notice to tenants, and to require landlords to pay relocation fees to tenants.

    A strong good cause bill is necessary as we fight also for rent control, as the two policies work together. With good cause and no rent control, a landlord can still raise the rent to kick a tenant out. With rent control and no good cause, a landlord can evict a tenant for baseless reasons and then hike up the rent for the next tenant.

    Want to get involved?

    Want to learn more?

    • Your protections under the current bill: here
    • City press release about the existing good cause bill: here
    • Good cause legislation (scroll down to Section 9-804. Unfair Rental Practices, (12) Good cause required): here
    • Check out the Philadelphia Rent Control website: here
  2. Philadelphia Eviction Prevention Project (PEPP)

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    What is PEPP?

    In 2017, City Council, the Mayor and legal services agencies partnered to create the Philadelphia Eviction Prevention Project (PEPP), an innovative project to assist tenants facing eviction through legal representation, financial counseling, a live hotline, a court help center, community trainings & educational materials. Community Legal Services leads PEPP in collaboration with Clarifi, Legal Clinic for the Disabled, SeniorLAW Center, TURN, & Philadelphia VIP.

    Services include:

    • Tenant Hotline – live support and referrals to legal services at 267-443-2500.
    • Lawyer of the Day – free, same day representation to income-eligible tenants on the day of their eviction hearing at Municipal Court at 1339 Chestnut St, 6th Floor.
    • Court Navigators – professionals to explain the process, provide resources and offer neutral information at Municipal Court at 1339 Chestnut St, 6th floor.
    • Tenant Help Center – speak with legal staff at the 10th floor of Municipal Court at 1339 Chestnut, 6th floor.
    • Tenant Rights Workshops – learn about your rights and responsibilities with TURN staff:
      • Mon – Fri at 12:30p at 100 S Broad Street Suite 800
      • Tues & Wed at 6:00 at 100 S Broad Street Suite 800
      • Saturdays at 11am at 1701 West Lehigh Avenue Room 1102.
    • Financial Counseling – speak with a financial counselor by calling 267-765-2711.
    • Pro Bono Representation – free representation to income-eligible tenants from private pro bono attorneys working with Philadelphia VIP.

    Here are all of the services under PEPP: English and Spanish

  3. Tenants, make your voices heard! Share your housing story.

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    PEPP is part of a campaigns to gain new and stronger tenant protections. Tell us about your experiences with rent increases, eviction court, illegal evictions, and repair issues.

    Your story will help us advocate for more resources and policies. These stories have already made an impact, continue to make your voice heard and join the movement!

    Should you need legal advice or representation, please call 267-443-2500 or visit

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(267) 443-2500
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