What are the main types of subsidized housing?
- HUD Project-Based Housing (rent based on your income)
- Low Income Housing Tax Credit Housing (rent based on Philadelphia median income)
- Public Housing (rent based on your income)
- Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (rent based on your income)
How can I apply for HUD Project-Based or Low Income Housing Tax Credit Housing?
- For a list of housing developments, go to PAHousingSearch and select county and preferred bedroom size. You can also search for project-based or LIHTC developments on the HUD Resource Locator Map.
- Call each housing development or go in person to find out if the development is accepting applications.
- Submit an application and follow up at least once per year to update your application and confirm that you are still on the waitlist.
How can I apply for Public Housing?
- The waitlist for conventional Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) public housing is closed.
- The waitlist for PHA public housing for seniors and people with disabilities is open.
- The waitlists for non-PHA public housing are open.
You can apply:
- By Phone: Call PHA at 215-684-4000
- In Person: Go to PHA Admissions at 2013 Ridge Ave (near Ridge and Master Streets)
- Online: Review the online application.
How can I apply for a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher?
Visit Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) Admissions to see if the waiting list is open.
If the waiting list is open, it will ask for:
- your phone number
- the address where you live (if you have one)
- a mailing address
- the combined annual income for the household
- your Head of Household’s full name, date of birth, and Social Security number or Alien Registration number (if you have one)