
Can my landlord increase my rent?

Can my landlord increase my rent?

There are no rent control or stabilization laws in Pennsylvania, so your landlord is permitted to increase your rent.

When can my landlord increase my rent?

Generally, the landlord can only increase your rent at the end of a lease term unless your lease says otherwise.  Most lease terms are 2 year, 1 year, or month to month.

Philadelphia Code § 9-804 (11) requires that the landlord give at least 60 day notice of rent increase for leases with a term of 1 year or more and at least 30 day notice of rent increase for leases with a term of less than one year.  Your lease may require even more advance notice.

If your landlord is not giving proper notice or is improperly raising rent in the middle of your lease term, you can send your landlord a letter stating why the rent increase violates your lease and you will not pay the new amount. Keep a copy of the letter.

Can I negotiate a rent increase?

You always have the right to negotiate with your landlord. You can ask the landlord to keep the rent at the same rate or ask for a smaller increase. Landlords generally do not want to have to find new tenants. However, if you cannot come to an agreement with your landlord, your options are to pay the increase or move.

My rent is subsidized. Can my landlord increase my rent?

It is possible for the rent you pay to go up. For example, if your household income increases, your rent may increase after you report your new income to your subsidy provider. If you have a government rental subsidy and have questions about a rent increase, please seek legal help.


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